Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

He's proven it time and time again....he's like the Bill O'Reilly of Microsoft PR.

5735d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Way to beat me to the line, Max Power.

Same friggin' time, but you were first.

5735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ghostbusters, methinks.

5735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe what he says as far as the whole fanboy thing getting way out of hand.

Like when a Gamestop employee starts getting red in the face because you buy a PS3 instead of a Wii or 360 (and yes, it happened to me). Or when somebody on the internet feels the need to wish horrible death upon you because you don't support their system.

I mean, competitive spirit has been around for ages, like in my area in Northern IL, it's always been Cubs vs. Sox when it comes...

5735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anti-fanboy articles are great because it brings to light the stupidity of fanboys, and anyone that says anti-fanboy articles suck is...well...being a fanboy, and they're just mad about somebody busting them out.

5735d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That N4G is now owned by

5735d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sorry Iceman, we all can't have the luxury of ignorant bliss

5735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the real points this video makes are:

360 fanboys once again reinforce their own stereotype of being total douchebags and....

.....LBP is apparently so awesome that even a diehard 360 fanboy can't help but play it, despite trying to act out fantasies of denial through a custom level, which by the way was mildly amusing to see a 360 take a dump, my PS3 certainly can't do that, as it lacks an @sshole (manufacturing facilites couldn't put them on PS3s, the 3...

5736d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

On the G.A.P. anyway, but I did get in the Home Beta...Last May with the first wave.

Got 2 LBP codes also, so when this one's up on the 12th, I got one more go around.

5738d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"T3h 360 Bloo-R@y dr1v3 iz teh b3st3st 0v3r teh PS3"

Just wait and see.

5738d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least SOMEONE on here is NOT being a fanboy about this.

EDIT: Don't mind the disagrees, it's just the 360 fanboys dying a little inside at the thought of a "masterpiece" game being on a console they hate for some ignorant reason.

Little more than animals, they are.

EDIT Part 2: Keep those disagrees coming, fanboys. And keep crying that river while you're at it, I feel like a swim.

5742d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The winning side?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess. From my experience, bragging is a futile attempt at making up for something, like being a fanboy, or being a general emabarrassment to humanity....they're really just one in the same.

5742d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of course, coming from you, Jason, it really doesn't mean much, considering you're a self-admitted fanboy.

The only thing I don't understand is why these companies feel it's necessary that the PS3 gets their year-old hand-me-downs. We didn't want Vampire Rain, and I know a lot of people loved Bioshock, but I for one could give a sh!t less.

Unfortunately for us who want nothing more than the absolute obliteration of fanboys, conflict = money. Conflict is caused ...

5742d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I gotta agree with casualkiss, this game isn't enough for me to take my "Wii for sale" listing off of cragslist.

5744d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow, I'm shocked.

You missed tip number 6:

Don't play the Genesis version (and yes, there was one)

5744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Big Boss, Sephiroth, Or any other worthwhile boos will never make it on an Old-Wizard list.

The guy, along with his new best friend RKRigley, are card-carrying members of the "We're Nintendo fanboys, so we're better than you" Club.

I love Nintendo, but I hate the fanboys. Sega had some great moments, and while Dr. Robotnik by no means belongs on any "Top 10" list, adding him as a joke to insult non-nintendo fanboys was a real @sshole thing to...

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looked like that stupid "Bulletproof Monk" movie.

It's gonna be god awful to say the least.

For starters, Goku's wearing street clothes. There's gun-fighting, and other extremely Non-Dragonball things going on.

This looks like nothing more than a stereotypical pseudo-modern chop-socky that won't even be worth the film it's printed on.

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Use him wisely MS, this is your chance to create a game with both stunning gameplay and story.

5745d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Something tells me RKRigney, that you somehow work for or are the webmaster of SlapStic and you're pulling an OldWizard trying to plug your own site on this one.

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Feel free to use it...

5747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment